General Knowledge with answers, General Knowledge quiz, General Knowledge


  • Inquiry: At what year did the First World War occur? Response: 1914.
  • Interrogation: In which year did the conclusion of the First World War take place? 
  • Answer: 1918.
  • Query: During which year did the Bengal Partition annulment happen?
  •  Solution: 1911.
  • Inquiry: During which century did the Battle of Tarain occur?
  •  Reply: 1191.
  • Question: In which year was the Ramakrishna Mission established? 
  • Answer: 1897.
  • Query: During which era did the Naval Mutiny transpire? Solution: 1946.
  • Interrogative: In which year did the Battle of Buxar transpire?
  •  Response: 1760.
  • Interrogation: When did the Battle of Talikota occur? Answer: 1831.
  • Question: In which year was the Gandhi-Irwin Pact signed? Response: 1931.
  • Query: During which year was the Rowlatt Act passed? Solution: 1919.
  • Inquiry: In what year was the Hindu College founded? Answer: 1817.
  • Question: In what year was the Calcutta Medical College established?
  •  Answer: 1835.
  • Query: During which year did the transfer of India's capital from Kolkata to Delhi take place?
  •  Solution: 1911.
  • Interrogation: In which year was Presidency College founded?
  •  Response: 1855.
  • Interrogative: When did the Dandi March occur?
  •  Answer: 1930.
  • Query: During which year was the declaration of autonomy in West Bengal proclaimed?
  •  Solution: 1994.
  • Inquiry: In which year was the Amin Commission established? 
  • Answer: 1776.
  • Question: When was the Swadeshi Movement Committee established?
  •  Reply: 1902.
  • Interrogation: In which year was the Ghadar Party founded? Answer: 1913.
  • Query: During which year was the Atmiya Sabha established?
  •  Solution: 1815.


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